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ENGR-DME - Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Concentration, Ph.D.

Program Long Title

Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Concentration, Ph.D.



Catalog Full Description

The Mechanical Engineering Department offers courses and research projects leading to the Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering and enthusiastically participates in the Doctor of Philosophy Degree offered in the College for those doctoral students focusing their work in the mechanical engineering area. The MS program is administered by the Department and the Ph.D. program is administered by the Associate Dean of Engineering for Graduate Studies and Research. Both degrees are research-oriented.

Participation in graduate education is consistent with the Mechanical Engineering Department’s goals and objectives which are:

  • to provide quality instructional programs and research experiences in mechanical engineering subjects that are at a level of sophistication compatible with professional norms;

  • to maintain a competent, dynamic faculty, expert in the various facets of mechanical engineering that strive to motivate the student and that practices effective educational techniques;

  • and to provide instructional and research facilities, equipped with up-to-date apparatus, which are conducive to the education of mechanical engineering graduate students.

A graduate student may customize his/her graduate courses in one of several areas subject to the approval of his/her graduate advisory committee. Areas of specialty include energy systems (including alternate and renewable), robotics and intelligent systems, solid mechanics and materials, thermal fluid science, vehicle systems (including hybrid and autonomous), vibrations/acoustics/dynamics and control, and advanced manufacturing. Graduate course offerings are offered each semester to meet the needs of the graduate students. Graduate students may carry out their research for their thesis/dissertation in any one of the aforementioned areas under the supervision of a faculty member, having expertise in that area, who is also a member of the graduate faculty. Individual programs of study are developed for each student depending on his/her career goals and thesis research interest. Thesis, non-thesis and on-line non-thesis programs are offered to meet the needs of our students.

Faculty advisors assist graduate students in the development of their individual programs of study depending on their career goals and thesis/dissertation interests. The advisor chairs the student’s advisory committee. The student’s advisory committee guides the student through degree progression and is responsible for monitoring the student’s work to complete the degree requirement.

The research and graduate education within the College are enhanced by four Centers of Excellence: the Center for Energy Systems Research (CESR); the Center for Manufacturing Research (CMR); Cybersecurity Education, Research and Outreach Center (CEROC); and the Center for the Management, Utilization, and Protection of Water Resources (WC). The Mechanical Engineering Department is highly involved with the first two. Faculty actively interact with the Power and Manufacturing Centers in seeking external funding for research. The Centers complement the faculty efforts by supporting graduate students and via administrative support. The interaction involves a strengthening through sharing of resources and personnel.