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Master of Science Admission Requirements

Applicants for admission to any of the MS programs offered by the departments of the College of Engineering are expected to have earned a BS degree from an approved program, or its equivalent. The admission decision is based on multiple criteria drawn from the following items:

  • Undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale,

  • GRE® General Test (GRE) scores with Quantitative greater than or equal to 50%; Verbal greater than or equal to 33%; Analytical Writing greater than or equal to 33%. A GRE is not required for applicants to the Computer Science MS program if their undergraduate degree is from a U.S.-based institution. Students with BS degrees in related fields from TTU are not required to take the GRE.

  • Three (3) letters of recommendation that demonstrate strong evidence for success in the graduate program.

  • Availability of appropriate faculty to serve as research advisor(s).

  • Participation in undergraduate research.

  • Post-BS degree professional experience relevant to planned degree of study.

  • Publications in peer reviewed journals and/or award-winning presentations in technical conferences.

  • A score of at least 79 on the TOEFL or a minimum base score of 6.5 on the IELTS must be achieved by international students. 

Based on the level of satisfaction of the above criterion, the department will either recommend admission to Full Standing, Provisional Standing, or Special Standing, or deny admission. Standing status may be changed to Full Standing after the student satisfies the requirements specified by the department at the time of admission.

Note: all MS degree programs, except Engineering Management, offer the Fast Track program to qualified applicants from the TTU BS program. See department details to find out more about Fast Track.