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CI-ESCI - Curriculum and Instruction, Exercise Science Concentration, Ed.S.

Program Long Title

Curriculum and Instruction, Exercise Science Concentration, Ed.S.



Catalog Full Description

Specialist in Education

Curriculum and Instruction - Graduate Programs (

Specialist in Education Degree Requirements

A minimum of 30 semester hours beyond the master's degree, in approved upper-level courses, will be required in the Ed. S. program. At least 15 semester hours must be taken in courses numbered at the 7000 level; no course below the 6000 level shall be counted for credit unless written approval is obtained from the students advisory committee, the chairperson of the department in which the student is majoring, and the Associate Dean of the College of Graduate Studies.

The program of study leading to the Specialist in Education degree (Ed.S.) will be designed for each student so as to achieve proper balance between the experiences required for training as a specialist and those required for development as a professional working with other. The program will therefore be tailored to serve the needs and objectives of the individual student.

Although a thesis is not required in the specialist program, the student is expected to become well acquainted with research in the field of specialization and to demonstrate competence in research methodology. In order to satisfy these expectations, the student must earn at least three (3) semester hours in courses of a laboratory and/or field experience nature and three (3) semester hours in an independent study project.

Degree Requirements

  • Core Concentration Coursework: 18 hours

  • Practicum and Research Coursework: 6 hours *

  • Advisor Guided Electives: 6 hours

  • Total Degree Requirements: 30 hours