Application for Graduation
In addition to satisfying all degree requirements, a candidate for a degree must file an Application for Graduation one semester prior to the semester in which the degree is expected to be conferred. The deadline for the filing of the application is posted on the College of Graduate Studies website each semester.
A graduate student shall be enrolled for a course approved by the graduate advisor during the term in which the degree is awarded unless all requirements have been completed by the last day to register for the term. Any prior courses with a grade of "I" do not count toward enrollment hours.
If a student applies for graduation but fails to satisfy graduation requirements, the student must reapply; this must be done by the date appearing in the online calendar.
All final degree requirements for graduation must be filed in the Graduate Studies Office no later than one (1) week prior to commencement, with the exception of the defense form and comprehensive exam form which are due three (3) weeks prior to commencement. Transcripts from other universities used as transfer credit on a program of study must be received no later than two (2) weeks after the commencement date.
The advisory committee approved copy of the thesis/dissertation must be submitted through the ETD Administrator (ProQuest) for format review no later than two (2) weeks prior to commencement. The final copy for publication through ProQuest must be submitted via the ETD Administrator one (1) week prior to commencement.