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Student Responsibility

All students are required to have knowledge of rights, responsibilities, and regulations pertaining to campus life which are published in the Student Handbook. Each student is responsible for maintaining communication with the University, by keeping officials informed at all times of current address (including zip code) and telephone number.

Students are responsible for the proper completion of their academic programs; for familiarity with requirements of the University Catalog; for maintaining the grade average required; and for meeting all other degree requirements. A student may receive counsel from an academic advisor; however, the final responsibility remains that of the student.

The course offerings and requirements of the institution are continually under examination and revision. This catalog (bulletin) presents the offerings and requirements in effect at the time of publication, but is no guarantee that they will not be changed or revoked. However, adequate and reasonable notice will be given to students affected by any changes. This catalog (bulletin) is not intended to state contractual terms and does not constitute a contract between the student and the institution. The University reserves the right to make changes in rules and regulations concerning admission, student conduct, degree requirements, and course descriptions subject to the concurrence and approval of its governing authorities.

The institution reserves the right to make changes as required in course offerings, curricula, academic policies, and other rules and regulations affecting students to be effective whenever determined by the institution. These changes will govern current and formerly enrolled students. Enrollment of all students is subject to these conditions.

The University provides the opportunity for students to increase their knowledge by providing programs of instruction in the various disciplines and programs through faculty who, in the opinion of the University, are qualified for teaching at the college level. The acquisition and retention of knowledge by any student is, however, contingent upon the student's desire and ability to learn and his or her application of appropriate study techniques to any course or program. Thus, the University must necessarily limit representation of student preparedness in any field of study to that competency demonstrated at that specific point in time at which appropriate academic measurements were taken to certify course or program completion.

The regulations and policies established by the Graduate Studies Executive Committee are intended to provide guidance to faculty and students. Should an individual believe that there is sufficient justification for an exception to any requirement, written requests (with any suitable statements or other supporting documents) may be submitted to the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies for consideration by the committee. The committee has regular meetings three times during each semester of the academic year and once during the summer.

The graduate catalog is a supplement to the undergraduate catalog (general catalog) and is published to provide information for graduate students, prospective graduate students, and members of the faculty. Students enrolling for graduate study at Tennessee Technological University are responsible not only to the provisions of the graduate catalog but also to the undergraduate catalog. Whenever a student's welfare or progress may be impeded or impaired by any conflict of information presented in the two (2) publications, resolution of such conflict will be determined by the appropriate standing committees of the University. When a person is admitted to graduate study, it is presumed that person accepts responsibility for learning and observing the regulations and policies of the University; therefore, ignorance of a regulation or policy does not constitute a basis for waiving that regulation or policy. Graduate students are subject to the usual procedures and regulations of the University as listed in the undergraduate catalog, except as they apply to undergraduate students only.

Tennessee Tech University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution and is in compliance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1974, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1974, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act of 1974, and The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. The University is nondiscriminatory on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, or status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam Era.

Disability Accommodation

Students with a disability requiring accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS).  An Accommodation Request (AR) should be completed as soon as possible, preferably by the end of the first week of the course.  The ODS is located in the Roaden University Center, Room 112; phone 372-6119. For details, view the Tennessee Tech's Policy 340 – Services for Students with Disabilities at Policy Central.

Official Notice to Report

A notice to report to any administrative office of the University takes precedence over all noninstructional activities, and must be answered immediately or, if received during a class, as soon as the class is over. Failure to respond to such a notice will require satisfactory explanation to the Administrative Council before the student is allowed to continue in residence.

Student Academic Misconduct

Maintaining high standards of academic integrity in every class at Tennessee Tech is critical to the reputation of Tennessee Tech, its students, alumni, and the employers of Tennessee Tech graduates. The Student Academic Misconduct Policy describes the definitions of academic misconduct and policies and procedures for addressing Academic Misconduct at Tennessee Tech.  For details, view the Tennessee Tech's Policy 217 – Student Academic Misconduct at Policy Central.

Grade Appeal Procedure

The university grade appeal procedure is outlined in Tennessee Tech Policy 218.

Judiciary Procedures

Judiciary procedures at the University do not constitute legal actions, and the decisions are not to be equated with verdicts reached by courts of law. These procedures simply involve the fact-finding and decision-making processes of an educational institution.

Detailed procedures for the disciplinary system are printed in the 'Disciplinary System Manual." Copies of the manual are located in the Office of Student Affairs.

Unofficial Withdrawal

Tennessee Tech University will, through forms of documentation deemed acceptable by federal guidelines, determine the date of unofficial withdrawal for any student who leaves the University without officially withdrawing. In compliance with federal guidelines this date will be used to calculate the University's financial liability to the federal government in the recovery of funds.

Official Withdrawal From The University

Students who desire to withdraw from the University before the end of an academic term must make formal application for withdrawal either in the Office of Student Affairs at the time of withdrawal. Those who complete withdrawal procedures will receive a grade of W in courses they are passing and a grade of WF in courses they are failing if official withdrawal is after the last date for dropping a course. Refunds which may be due will depend upon the date of formal withdrawal. Applications for withdrawal will not be considered if received after final examinations begin in any term.

Privacy Rights Of Students

On May 20, 1975, Tennessee Tech approved a statement of policy that includes provisions for the release of information about students and the rights of students and others to have access to Tech's education records. The complete policy statement of "Privacy Rights of Students" is available in the Records and Registration Office and in the Student Handbook.

A student may obtain a transcript of his or her academic records by making a written request to the Office of Records and Registration, Tennessee Tech University, P. O. Box 5097, Cookeville, TN 38505, fax (931) 372-6111.

Drug Free Policy

The Tennessee Tech University community (Faculty, Staff, and Students) complies with the policies and penalties relative to controlled substances (illicit drugs) and alcohol, as required by the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989. As an employee and/or student at Tennessee Technological University, you are required to be knowledgeable of and comply with the Drug Free Campus/Workplace Policy, the applicable provisions of which are summarized below:

It is the policy of this institution that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, use, or abuse of alcohol and/or illicit drugs on the Tennessee Technological University campus or on property owned or controlled by the University is strictly prohibited. All categories of employees and students are subject to this policy and to applicable federal, state, and local laws related to this matter. Additionally, any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary actions as set forth in the applicable sections of this policy.

No Smoking & Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

Tennessee Tech University (TTU) agrees with the U.S. Surgeon General that tobacco use in any form, active and/or passive, is a significant health hazard. TTU further recognizes that environmental tobacco smoke has been classified as a Class-A carcinogen, and that the State of Tennessee is actively dissuading its employees from smoking. TTU supports the American College Health Association Position Statement on Tobacco on College and University Campuses (, Feb 2005). Due to these health risks, TTU has adopted a NO SMOKING & TOBACCO-FREE CAMPUS policy.

7.1 Policy - Effective January 1, 2010, TTU is a No Smoking & Tobacco-Free Campus, with all smoking ('herbal' and tobacco) and all other tobacco usage permitted only in private vehicles. This policy applies to all university buildings and grounds; TTU-affiliated off-campus locations and clinics; and any buildings or properties owned, leased or rented by TTU in all other areas. Smoking and tobacco use continues to be prohibited in all state vehicles. This No Smoking & Tobacco-free Campus Policy is in effect 24 hours a day year-round.

Background - The University promotes a healthy, sanitary environment free from all smoke ('herbal' and tobacco) and tobacco-related debris. The TTU community acknowledges that long-term health hazards may accrue to people who use tobacco products or who are subjected to second-hand smoke. The failure to address the use of tobacco products on campus would constitute a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Vocational Rehabilitation Act and Tennessee law.

Support - Understanding the addictive nature of tobacco products, TTU will make every effort to assist those who may wish to stop using tobacco. TTU Human Resources, Health Services and Counseling Center offer current information about available resources. The State offers toll-free assistance at 1-800-QuitNow (1-800-784-8669). The American Cancer Society offers free counsel to individuals wanting to quit.

7.2 Compliance and Enforcement - It is the responsibility of all members of the TTU community and visitors to comply with this no smoking and tobacco-free campus policy. Violations of the policy will be dealt with in a manner that is consistent with university procedures. There shall be no reprisals against anyone reporting violations of this policy.

Inclement Weather Policy

All Tennessee Tech University offices will remain in operation during inclement weather to ensure continuity of services and to meet the needs of our students. In extreme weather conditions, classes and exams on campus and at off-campus locations may be rescheduled or cancelled while the university is open.

In accordance with TTU policy, faculty, administrators and staff of TTU are expected to make every reasonable effort to be at their work assignment on time, taking into consideration the personal risk involved. Administrators or staff employees who anticipate arriving late, or not arriving at work at all, should notify their immediate supervisor of this fact as soon as possible and request annual leave for the period of absence. If faculty members must be absent from assigned classes due to inclement weather, it is their responsibility to notify the appropriate chairperson and/or dean.

Off-Campus Classes

28.1.2 The decision to cancel off-campus classes will be made by the Vice President for Academic Affairs in close consultation with the Vice President of Extended Programs and Regional Development and the coordinators of the off-campus centers. The information will then be disseminated by the coordinators as quickly as possible by whatever means are available in the vicinity of the affected center.

For Employees / Working Hours

At times it may be necessary for the President to declare specific hours as emergency closing as the result of inclement weather or other emergency situations. In such cases, regular full-time and part-time employees on the active payroll who are scheduled to work during the declared times of closing will be granted time off from work with pay. Employees who are not scheduled to work will not be paid for the emergency closing. Clerical and support personnel required to work to keep essential services functioning will receive extra compensation. Administrative personnel required to work will receive equal time off for hours worked.

Academic Work

If classes are canceled due to inclement weather, missed classes should be made up in a manner chosen by the individual faculty member involved. If classes are not cancelled despite inclement weather, students are responsible for any academic work they miss as a result of inclement weather. It is the individual student's responsibility to take the initiative in making up any missed work, including but not limited to examinations, presentations and projects, and it is the faculty member's responsibility to provide the student with a reasonable opportunity to make up missed work, including but not limited to examinations, presentations and projects.

Delays & Early Closings

The President of the University may choose a delayed opening or early closing.

In the event of the delayed opening, all faculty and staff are expected to report to their specific work location by the set opening time. Students are expected to report to regularly scheduled class only if there are 30 or more minutes remaining in the session. (Ex.: If the delayed opening is set for 10:00 a.m., students who have classes from 9:30 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. should report to that class at 10:00 a.m.). All classes scheduled prior to the delayed opening time and those that have less than 30 minutes remaining after the set opening time are cancelled for the day.

When time is announced for an early closing, it applies to all classes that begin on or after that hour. Ex. "Classes cancelled at 3 p.m." means all classes starting at 3 p.m. or later are cancelled. Classes that started before 3 p.m. will meet.

Procedures for Canceling Classes

In those instances when weather conditions require a decision by the President of the University to authorize canceling classes, delaying the start of classes or suspending selected activities, the following procedures will be in effect:

28.2.1 The Director of Facilities and Business Services and Director of Safety and Environmental Services will monitor official weather reports, contact appropriate state, county and local Public Safety Officials and check local roads for hazardous driving conditions. They will review campus roads, walkways and parking lot conditions. The Director of Facilities and Business Services will advise the Vice President for Business and Fiscal Affairs of the findings. After receiving this information, the Vice President for Business and Fiscal Affairs will inform the Vice President for Academic Affairs, who will consult with the other vice presidents and recommend to the President whether the University should cancel classes or declare an emergency closing. If the Vice President for Business and Fiscal Affairs is unavailable, the Director of Facilities and Business Services and Director of Safety and Environmental Services will contact the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Once the decision is made to cancel classes or close offices and facilities or buildings on campus or at extended education sites, the President or Vice President for Academic Affairs will notify:

  • Associate Vice President for Communications and Marketing (or representative of that office)

  • TTU Police

  • University Vice Presidents (Each University Vice President will be responsible for notifying the appropriate personnel in the division).


The Office of Communications and Marketing will prepare an official statement and notify the campus community and public through the following ways:

  • University website homepage

  • Broadcast e-mail to students, faculty and staff

  • Text alert (written by OCM, distributed by University Police)

  • Facebook and other social media

  • Switchboard operator

  • Local media (including Channel 7)

  • Metro Nashville network TV stations and select radio stations

  • Upper Cumberland Radio

  • Campus media (Oracle/WTTU)

  • Metro Knoxville network TV stations and select radio stations

Many media outlets require private passwords or codes for weather notifications. These codes will be kept confidential and maintained annually by the Office of Communications and Marketing. Access to a listing of codes will be limited to designated OCM staff members and the Vice President for University Advancement.

No notice will be sent to media if the University continues to operate on a normal schedule. (The University homepage and social media may be used to communicate to students, parents, faculty, staff and administrators that a normal schedule will be followed).