Counseling Center
The Tennessee Tech Counseling Center, located in the Roaden University Center, provides a wide range of services. Counseling offers an opportunity for students to develop more effective means of resolving problems and acquiring strategies for achieving personal and professional goals. The Center also administers a number of standardized tests including the GRE (subject only) and MAT for students interested in or planning to attend graduate school. Outreach and consultation services on a variety of topics of interest to students are available.
Students experience varying degrees of difficulty related to the challenges of graduate school. Transition issues, stress management, interpersonal relationships, family issues, depression, and anxiety are among the concerns that students discuss in counseling. Strict confidentiality is maintained in the counseling process.
There is no fee for this service. Registered, enrolled students are eligible and may make appointments by calling the Counseling Center (931) 372-3331.